'Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.'

Arundhati Roy 

We can create the future we want, starting today. 

No one wants a child to go without food, to feel the pangs of hunger,  let alone starve to death. 

Hunger is always a political choice and we know change is possible. Here in the UK we had 50% less poverty in the 1970s. World hunger was in decline until 2014,  having reduced by a third since 2005. This is the future reality we are calling for where hunger is in decline and every child has access to a nutritious diet which meets their needs. 

Mothers will go to extraordinary lengths to protect their children. In the UK 1 in 4 households with children are facing food insecurity, skipping meals and going hungry in order to feed their children. In 2022 there were 4.2 million children below the poverty line and around a million  living in destitution.  We have some of the most severe food insecurity in all of Europe.  As the sixth largest economy in the world, this is not something to be proud of. 

The situation is worse globally, with severe hunger and malnutrition putting 14 million children at risk of death, and being the cause of 45% of all child mortality for those under 5 years old.. Women and children have been shown to be the most impacted, and the UN has warned that progress on nutrition has gone into reverse

Mothers Manifesto calls for immediate action that upholds the human right to ‘available, accessible and adequate food’, as defined by the United Nations.

Food security is a growing issue and one we need to address urgently, as its impact accelerates due to the climate crisis. Extreme weather events are affecting key crops and driving up the  cost of food globally, as well as causing the displacement of millions of people.

We welcome the  Labour Government's policies on climate, which include two of our demands, namely the end to new oil and gas licences and the pledge to scrap the Investment Allowance, a tax loophole worth billions to oil and gas companies and their shareholders. This, as well as investing in retrofitting homes and a national green energy strategy, will help to address the climate crisis whilst lowering bills. We look forward to seeing these implemented. 

Food security is a complex issue and we call on the Government to develop and implement  a strategy to bring resilience and food justice to all aspects of our food systems. This would include protective and restorative measures for nature including water, soil and biodiversity.  Any national food strategy needs to also consider the impact of food importation on the environment and both local and global food security. 

Without rapid and positive action to address food security, food insecurity will escalate with devastating consequences. Decisive and bold action can change this.

Our world can be one in which all children thrive because they have enough healthy food to eat. Our food systems can be good for our environment, socially just and rooted in the principle of care for each other. 

Mothers can be the change that brings about that world, starting now.

We are calling on the UK government to: 





On Mother’s Day 2025, we are uniting to demand action. We will be on Hunger Strike outside Parliament for 5 days, supported by 24hr regional hunger strikes. We stand in solidarity with all those unable to feed themselves and their children, and to highlight the reality of so many here in the UK and globally and in recognition that this is a social, racial and climate justice issue. Our strikes will amplify the work and calls for action of many other organisations including The Right To Food Campaign, Food Foundation, Trussell Trust, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Oxfam  and many more.

As mothers we have a powerful voice. Join us with yours, for any of the 5 days outside Parliament, or for our 24hr regional strikes. Find out more about our actions and contact us for more information on how to get involved. 

Follow us on social media for more campaign updates and information on how to support. 

 We know that we can make a difference, and that with unwavering determination, we can create a world in which no child goes hungry.


“No child should be hungry, no child need be hungry if we only assume our urgent responsibility on inequality.  Climate change is accelerating this crisis and we need to address it now. These brave women striking in solidarity with mothers should be listened to in the U.K. and around the world.” 

Christiana Figueres, former executive secretary of the UNFCCC and co-host of the climate podcast Outrage + Optimism.

MOTHERS MANIFESTO Join Us in Ending Child Hunger

Any and all donations are so appreciated and will go toward building our campaign.

Your support would allow us over the next year to: